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Liquid Amber Press Zoom Poetry Reading

Featuring Clarion by Jenny Pollak
Remarkable as Breathing by Rose Lucas

+ Open Mic

Clarion is an eco-poetic suite of words and images written and created by Australian artist and poet Jenny Pollak. The poetry speaks in the voice of a woman as she negotiates her relationship with a landscape in crisis.

Remarkable as Breathing is a collection of poems by Rose Lucas both inspired by and reflective of her contemplative practice. In their different ways, each poem addresses the business of paying close attention – starting with the breath and moving out into the interconnected world of what Lao Tzu referred to as the ‘10,000 things.’

Share in this special poetry event – hear Jenny and Rose both read and experience Jenny’s wonderful images. 

And Open Mic of course – if you would like to read, contact us at and shine up your best 3 mins of poetry.

For event details, essential to book at:

19 June

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21 June

Poetry from Agitation Hill ft Hugh McMillan (ONLINE ONLY)