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Café Philosophique

  • Bridge Hotel 197 Watton Street Werribee, VIC, 3030 Australia (map)

Café Philosophique runs the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Bridge Hotel in Werribee, exploring the hidden forces that shape our lives through music, poetry and conversation.

How does it work?
Each night will include a feature poet and musician, alongside some creative writing and sharing, prompted by the nightly theme.

With art as inspiration, we then break into small groups to have open and respectful conversations, delving deeper into the ideas. Food will be shared, friends made, and assumptions often challenged.

Event Details:
Date: Second Wednesday of the Month
Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. Come early and enjoy a delicious meal at the Bridge!
Location: Bridge Hotel Werribee

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Presented by the Little Theatre Company, and supported by Wyndham City Council

8 April

Spoken Word @ Bar Oussou

10 April

The Drop Off - Melbourne Launch